What is EOS 800?
Enamel-On-Steel is the most energy efficient, safe and healthy technology on cookware.
Definitely not, any scratch on the product may cause unhealthy cooking and results.
PRO 800 is a state of the art collection being produced with very strong steel base and is three times coated with enamel so that it provides energy efficiency, healthy and safe environment for a professional cooking experience.
Lighter inn means of steel base but has most of the specs of PRO 800 series.
Payment information
Yes, we ship from United States to Europe, Middle East and even Far East. For international orders, please contact us.
Orders and returns
Click on a Product Photo or Product Name to see more detailed information. To place your order and discuss, please contact us.
You can contact our customer support team by provided email or phone. In case, it’s not convenient to talk, you can come to our office to make your request.
Unfourtanetly we do not have an e-commerce store at the moment, but we are planning on opening one in the near future.